Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Process of Web Design

To make a site, one must follow some type of steps. There is no right or wrong "way" to do this. I will just list the basic steps to create a website. I hope it helps someone someday. The Web Design Process: 1) Research and Brainstorm - Every site begins with an idea. Start brainstorming your ideas. Ask yourself some questions like : Why are you creating this web site? What do you hope to accomplish? What kind of site is it? What features will it has? Who are your competitors? Who is your primary audience? What are your budgets dedicate for this site? Who and how will the content of this site be submitted? 2) Content Creation and Organization - Now it is time to create the content of your site. Once you create your content then try to organize it. You can create a site map. All you need to do is just use pencil and paper to draw a diagram of how your web pages are going to be organize. Then create a simple site map page. 3) Develop a Visual Appearance (Art direction) - First sketch how you envision how your site looks on paper. Most monitor are usually 800 x 500 px. You can just use photoshop to create a basic looks. 4) Create Graphics and HTML pages 5) Create your Prototype - Put everything together; the front end and back end, you did or your group did. 6) Quality Assurance (Testing Phase) Test it in different computers and browsers. Test it in Internet Explorer, FireFox, Netscape, or Safari. Try to see if it works correctly on Windows, Linux, Mac, etc... Try changing the resolution of your monitor. Test it in slow internet connection. Test it with ordinary people. 7) Site Maintenance This is an ongoing process. Who is going to maintain the site; to make updates and keep it current?

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO anyway? SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. According to an article in wikipedia.org , "SEO is a subset of search engine marketing, and deals with improving the number and/or quality of visitors to a web site from "natural" listing." When you go to Google or Yahoo to search for a keyword, the search engine will compile the results in the order it "thinks" best through a process called an algorithm based on your query. So what you need to do is find a way to influence that result. So how do you do that? There are two techniques called on page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization is changing/modifying the site code to make search engine bot easier to crawl in your site. Off page optimization is backlinking. On page optimization should be done when you first start designing your web pages. Here are a couple of things you should do: - Choose your keywords carefully (Don't use words not related to your site. It can hurt more than it helps.) - Make sure your keywords appear significantly in your page content. Put one or two in bold or italics. - Make sure you use headings tag h1... in your page and it is helpful if it contains your keywords - When writing your content, try to include your keywords as much as possible without messing with the flow of your text. Remember to think about your visitors point of view and not the search engines when creating your content. - Search engine do NOT read links created by Flash or Javascript, so keep that in mind. Pages can only be found when linked with visible hyperlinks. - When you used graphics, make sure to add alt attributes in your image tag. Words on the image CANNOT be read by search engine. Plus people who use text display browser only cannot see the image. Having an alt tag can let them know what they didn't see. - Search engines don't use meta tags for site ranking or indexing anymore, so don't rely on that Off page optimization: Linking strategies Having a lot of websites linking to your web can increase your web traffic and even your rankings in search engine. Some ways to do this are: - Put your website's URL in articles, press releases, blogs, forums, and directories - Use myspace or other networking site to get more people to your site - Emailing others to tell them about your site

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How can you tell if watermelon are sweet from looking at the outside?

We all love watermelon. It is one of the most favorite fruit to eat during hot summer days. Its flesh is sweet and cold and can help to quench your thirst. When looking for which watermelon to buy we all want a ripe one. Well how can we tell if it is ripe? The stripe. the darker the stripe, the sweeter it is. Another way to know, is to knock on it. If you can hear a hollow sound, then that one is ripe and sweet. Its yellow butts is also an indication of its ripeness. If you somehow get an unsweet one, just dip it in salt. It will taste sweet. 

Well enjoy your juicy watermelon. It is fecalicious ! 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Why We Human Has Less Hair Than Our Cousins, Ape and Monkey?

Have you ever wonder why human has less hair than monkey or ape? According to an unknown source, I quote, " Human developed clothes, monkeys don't. Clothes help protect skin from bugs, dirt etc... As time goes by human skin don't need too much hair anymore. "

Well there you have it. =D

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why does one dream?

Dream. Everyone does it every time they sleep. Why do we dream? Throughout history many have try to answer this question. Aristotle and Plato hypothesized that the reason we dream is because that is our only way to act out our deepest desire in a safe setting, the dream world. Before Aristotle, people believe that dreams are a divine inspiration, send by god to tell our future. 
According to Sigmund Freud in "The Interpretation of Dreams", he believes that dreams are a fulfillment of a wish. He also wrote that:
  • The naïve judgment of a person on awakening assumes that the dream—if indeed it does not originate in another world—at any rate has taken the dreamer into another world. 
  • That all the material composing the content of the dream in some way originates in experience, that it is reproduced in the dream, or recalled,—this at least may be taken as an indisputable truth. 
  •  We should not have dreamed if some disturbing element had not arisen in sleep, and the dream is the reaction from this disturbance.
Another theory by Dr. Rosalind Cartwright states that dreams are the mechanism where the brain incorporates memories, solves problems and deals with emotions. 
Even today we are not sure why we dream. The brain is a complicated organ. There are so much to learn. Maybe with future technology, one day we might find out the truth in why we dream.

Finland might offer 800 Euro to ALL citizens

Finland considered offering its citizens a tax-free payout of 800 euros ($868 USD) per month, in place of their current social welfare payments, child benefits, and state pensions !! They hope that this will reduce their unemployment rate. What do you think? Will this work?

This is like getting unemployment money in the USA, but instead of half a year they will get forever. If you don't work, and get free money will you try hard to find work? I don't see how this will help. Getting rid of welfare would mean the rich would get richer and well the poor is stuck with that 800 euros, whether in the beginning they get 800 with welfare or not. IDK. Maybe I don't see the bigger picture. All I see ahead is inflation. Although who would refuse the free money huh? I would vote YES for free money, even though I don't live in Finland. ^^ What will be, will be...

If Finland prove this plan work, will the USA follow ?? Should the US follow this and banish welfare? Welfare here probably cost more compare to the free 800$ a month to all citizens. Logically it would be a profit thing to do, but will it helps the country as a whole?

Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch! Economic 101.

Bing Bing Bing Rewards

"Bing Rewards lets you earn credits for searching on Bing or trying new features from Bing or other Microsoft products and services. Bing Rewards credits can be redeemed for a variety of gift cards and other rewards."

Bing is a Microsoft search engine. The reason they provide such a reward is because they want to compete with google. We all know that google is great, the number one search engine. But because they are so great, they don't offer anything free. Sadly. But with Bing you can get something, little money, but still something. Something is better than nothing. If you are going to search anyway, why not search with site that pay?

Join Bing today!

Microsoft is a big company, so you don't need to worry if they are scamming you or not. $5 a month is still something. The policy say people 13+ years old can join and they allow 5 people in the same house. This is good for teenager. Earn a few bucks to buy VIP for games. YAY! Asking parents for money for online game is such a drag. They used to offer rixty, but amazon gift card work too. At least for some game site.

I always wonder why a game site accept subway card. What do they do with it? Buy a sub for each employee? :p

A Pizza Hut Degree O__O

The Yum! Brands-owned chain joined forces with Manchester Metropolitan University, have announced that they would start offering 1,500 students a Pizza Hut degree . Students pursuing the Pizza Hut degree will have courses focusing on food production and financial analysis for five years. Some candidates will study at the university and others at lower levels will be trained within Pizza Hut.

"Over the next few years we will work hard to provide our apprentices and team members with the best training and development so that we can equip them with skills for life, not just for working in a restaurant," Kathryn Austin, the director of HR and marketing at the chain, told the Manchester Evening News. "I would encourage more businesses to take the lead from companies like Pizza Hut Restaurants to start or expand their apprenticeship programs."​ 

I don't know about you , but I want a degree in pizza O_O! Not because of educational purpose but only because I can tell people that I have a degree in pizza :D . Just for their "yaaa right" reaction. Hehe...

Sunday, December 6, 2015



Inboxdollars is founded in 2000. In 2005, InboxDollars acquired SendEarnings, became an international corporation with the launch of InboxPounds in 2012 and expanded into Canada with DailyRewards in 2014. They reward members for their everyday activities such as reading emails, taking surveys, playing games and signing up for offers.

This site does pay. Once you reach $30, you can request them to send you a check.

What you can do there to earn money:
- You can search every day and get $0.15 each day; plus sweepstakes token to use for cash drawing.
- You can click on their ads email (2-3 a day)
- You can take survey (# of survey depend on your qualification)
- You can watch their ads video
- You can sign up for offers (there are free offers , like joining other survey sites / paid to site)

It's not a job but it's a way to earn extra money for the holiday.
It's not difficulty to do. If you are not lazy like me, you can reach payout fast.

Click here to go to inboxdollars and earn a few dollars =D if you have time. HEREEEEE

Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Free web hosting sites

There are many free web hosting site in the net. Many offer different things like different amount of disk space, bandwidth, mysql database, languages. Some may put ads on your site, some may not. Below is the list of 10 free web hosting site that I've found that seems decent:

Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
10gb bandwidth/month

awardspace www.awardspace.com
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
5gb bandwidth / month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1.5gb disk space
100gb/month bandwidth
No ads
Free hosting plan with 15gb disk space
150gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting with 20gb space
200gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 10gb disk space
100gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
10gb bandwidth/ month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50 gb bandwidth/month
No ads

Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50 gb bandwidth/month
No ads

Donorschoose.org - Charity for teacher and students

DonorsChoose.org is an online charity to help classrooms in need. It was started in 2000 by Charles Best, a social studies teacher in the Bronx. He created this so that individuals could connect directly with classrooms in need. Public school teachers in America can post request for donation to fund classroom project on donorschoose.org. Anyone can give any amount to the project that most inspires them, even $1. Any amount helps!
When a project reaches its funding goal, they will ship the materials directly to the school. Donator will get photos of the project, a letter from the teacher, and a report showing how every dollar was spent. 
Please help spread the word. Students are our future. Come visit http://www.donorschoose.org/ and help those students today!

Free online class: edX.ORG

For the past few months I've tried taking some free online classes. One was at a site called edX.org . So far it is great, especially the free part. hehe. If you want a certificate that show you've completed the course, then you have to pay, otherwise you don't need to pay to take the class. The teacher either upload a video or write about the subject. Afterward, you may be ask to complete a quiz about the lesson you just read/watch. There is a discussion board / forum, where you can ask question to your classmates/teacher. Your homework assignment is usually graded by 3 of your classmates. You also have to grade 3 classmates' homework. The teacher don't do any grading, since there are hundreds of student from all over the world. Overall I think this site is great. It's not the normal college classes you take, but hey it's free. The most important part is what you get from it, the knowledge and skill of the subject taught. What is best about online classes is you can learn anytime and anywhere (self pace course). 

edX was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012. It offers courses from many of the world best universities and institution to anyone around the world if you have a computer and internet. Courses they offer are in: computer science, languages, engineering, psychology, writing, electronics, biology and marketing.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

What will you do when ... you found a time machine ?

Will you .... ?

  1. use it to go back to the past and undo your mistake?
  2. use it to go back to the past with a list of winning lottery numbers?
  3. use it to go back to the past to make yourself the ruler of a country?
  4. use it to go way back in time when people dont know much and make yourself a god in their eyes?
  5. use it go back in time to see whether the chicken or the egg comes first?
  6. use it to go to the future to see how your life will be like and maybe you can change it somehow?
  7. use it to go see the day the world end?
  8. use it to make a profit by charging people for usage?
  9. do all of the above and many more? hey this is your time machine now. =}
  10. destroy the machine since you dont want to step on any butterfly which may change the future?