Sunday, November 22, 2015

What will you do when ... you found a time machine ?

Will you .... ?

  1. use it to go back to the past and undo your mistake?
  2. use it to go back to the past with a list of winning lottery numbers?
  3. use it to go back to the past to make yourself the ruler of a country?
  4. use it to go way back in time when people dont know much and make yourself a god in their eyes?
  5. use it go back in time to see whether the chicken or the egg comes first?
  6. use it to go to the future to see how your life will be like and maybe you can change it somehow?
  7. use it to go see the day the world end?
  8. use it to make a profit by charging people for usage?
  9. do all of the above and many more? hey this is your time machine now. =}
  10. destroy the machine since you dont want to step on any butterfly which may change the future?

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