Monday, November 30, 2015

Free online class: edX.ORG

For the past few months I've tried taking some free online classes. One was at a site called . So far it is great, especially the free part. hehe. If you want a certificate that show you've completed the course, then you have to pay, otherwise you don't need to pay to take the class. The teacher either upload a video or write about the subject. Afterward, you may be ask to complete a quiz about the lesson you just read/watch. There is a discussion board / forum, where you can ask question to your classmates/teacher. Your homework assignment is usually graded by 3 of your classmates. You also have to grade 3 classmates' homework. The teacher don't do any grading, since there are hundreds of student from all over the world. Overall I think this site is great. It's not the normal college classes you take, but hey it's free. The most important part is what you get from it, the knowledge and skill of the subject taught. What is best about online classes is you can learn anytime and anywhere (self pace course). 

edX was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012. It offers courses from many of the world best universities and institution to anyone around the world if you have a computer and internet. Courses they offer are in: computer science, languages, engineering, psychology, writing, electronics, biology and marketing.

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