Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why does one dream?

Dream. Everyone does it every time they sleep. Why do we dream? Throughout history many have try to answer this question. Aristotle and Plato hypothesized that the reason we dream is because that is our only way to act out our deepest desire in a safe setting, the dream world. Before Aristotle, people believe that dreams are a divine inspiration, send by god to tell our future. 
According to Sigmund Freud in "The Interpretation of Dreams", he believes that dreams are a fulfillment of a wish. He also wrote that:
  • The naïve judgment of a person on awakening assumes that the dream—if indeed it does not originate in another world—at any rate has taken the dreamer into another world. 
  • That all the material composing the content of the dream in some way originates in experience, that it is reproduced in the dream, or recalled,—this at least may be taken as an indisputable truth. 
  •  We should not have dreamed if some disturbing element had not arisen in sleep, and the dream is the reaction from this disturbance.
Another theory by Dr. Rosalind Cartwright states that dreams are the mechanism where the brain incorporates memories, solves problems and deals with emotions. 
Even today we are not sure why we dream. The brain is a complicated organ. There are so much to learn. Maybe with future technology, one day we might find out the truth in why we dream.

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