Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Finland might offer 800 Euro to ALL citizens

Finland considered offering its citizens a tax-free payout of 800 euros ($868 USD) per month, in place of their current social welfare payments, child benefits, and state pensions !! They hope that this will reduce their unemployment rate. What do you think? Will this work?

This is like getting unemployment money in the USA, but instead of half a year they will get forever. If you don't work, and get free money will you try hard to find work? I don't see how this will help. Getting rid of welfare would mean the rich would get richer and well the poor is stuck with that 800 euros, whether in the beginning they get 800 with welfare or not. IDK. Maybe I don't see the bigger picture. All I see ahead is inflation. Although who would refuse the free money huh? I would vote YES for free money, even though I don't live in Finland. ^^ What will be, will be...

If Finland prove this plan work, will the USA follow ?? Should the US follow this and banish welfare? Welfare here probably cost more compare to the free 800$ a month to all citizens. Logically it would be a profit thing to do, but will it helps the country as a whole?

Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch! Economic 101.

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