Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Free web hosting sites

There are many free web hosting site in the net. Many offer different things like different amount of disk space, bandwidth, mysql database, languages. Some may put ads on your site, some may not. Below is the list of 10 free web hosting site that I've found that seems decent:
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
10gb bandwidth/month

Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
5gb bandwidth / month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1.5gb disk space
100gb/month bandwidth
No ads
Free hosting plan with 15gb disk space
150gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting with 20gb space
200gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 10gb disk space
100gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
10gb bandwidth/ month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50 gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50gb bandwidth/month
No ads
Free hosting plan with 1gb disk space
50 gb bandwidth/month
No ads - Charity for teacher and students is an online charity to help classrooms in need. It was started in 2000 by Charles Best, a social studies teacher in the Bronx. He created this so that individuals could connect directly with classrooms in need. Public school teachers in America can post request for donation to fund classroom project on Anyone can give any amount to the project that most inspires them, even $1. Any amount helps!
When a project reaches its funding goal, they will ship the materials directly to the school. Donator will get photos of the project, a letter from the teacher, and a report showing how every dollar was spent. 
Please help spread the word. Students are our future. Come visit and help those students today!

Free online class: edX.ORG

For the past few months I've tried taking some free online classes. One was at a site called . So far it is great, especially the free part. hehe. If you want a certificate that show you've completed the course, then you have to pay, otherwise you don't need to pay to take the class. The teacher either upload a video or write about the subject. Afterward, you may be ask to complete a quiz about the lesson you just read/watch. There is a discussion board / forum, where you can ask question to your classmates/teacher. Your homework assignment is usually graded by 3 of your classmates. You also have to grade 3 classmates' homework. The teacher don't do any grading, since there are hundreds of student from all over the world. Overall I think this site is great. It's not the normal college classes you take, but hey it's free. The most important part is what you get from it, the knowledge and skill of the subject taught. What is best about online classes is you can learn anytime and anywhere (self pace course). 

edX was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012. It offers courses from many of the world best universities and institution to anyone around the world if you have a computer and internet. Courses they offer are in: computer science, languages, engineering, psychology, writing, electronics, biology and marketing.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

What will you do when ... you found a time machine ?

Will you .... ?

  1. use it to go back to the past and undo your mistake?
  2. use it to go back to the past with a list of winning lottery numbers?
  3. use it to go back to the past to make yourself the ruler of a country?
  4. use it to go way back in time when people dont know much and make yourself a god in their eyes?
  5. use it go back in time to see whether the chicken or the egg comes first?
  6. use it to go to the future to see how your life will be like and maybe you can change it somehow?
  7. use it to go see the day the world end?
  8. use it to make a profit by charging people for usage?
  9. do all of the above and many more? hey this is your time machine now. =}
  10. destroy the machine since you dont want to step on any butterfly which may change the future?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Who invented the Popsicle?

The Popsicle was invented by an eleven-year-old boy named Frank Epperson in 1905. The story goes: Frank left his fruit flavored soda outside on the porch with a stir stick inside. The soda has frozen to the stick. Frank Epperson patented this "frozen ice on a stick" in 1923 and called it the Epsicle ice pop. In 1925, Frank Epperson sold his famous Epsicle to the Joe Lowe Company of New York. His children later renamed it, the Popsicle.

Good Humor now owns the rights to the Popsicle.

The History of Ice Cream

Have you ever thought of what it would be like if ice cream has never been invented? No ice cream sundae. No banana split. No rocky road. No cookie n cream. Not even plain old vanilla ice cream. Well, where do ice cream comes from? Who comes up with the idea? Continue reading and you will find out.

No one knows for sure who, where and when ice cream was invented. There are many myths from different countries claiming they invented ice cream. One myth said that the Roman Emperor Nero (54 – 68 BC) get snow from nearby mountains and store them in an “ice house”. The snow was mixed with nectar, fruit pulp, and honey. Another myth floating around was that Alexander the Great like to drink icy drinks flavored with honey or wine. These , however, were more of a snow cone type than a typical ice cream we known today.

One myth, which is greatly accepted, was from China. During the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), the Tang emperor was believed to have been the first to eat a frozen milk-like ice cream. This frozen milk-like ice cream was created by heating the flour with milk from cow, goat or buffalo. They added camphor to enhance the flavor and texture. The mixture was then placed into metal tubes and lowered into an ice pool until frozen.

In medieval times, Arabs drank an icy refreshment called sherbet, or sharabt in Arabic, which were flavored with cherry, pomegranate, or quince.

Antonio Latini (1642–1692) is credited with being the first person to write down a recipe for sorbetto. He is also responsible for creating a milk-based sorbet, which was consider to be the first “official” ice cream.

In 1686, Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli opened Paris’ first café, Il Procope. The café introduced gelato, the Italian version of sorbet. It was served in small porcelain bowls resembling egg cups. Procopio became known as the “Father of Italian Gelato.”

During the 18th century, fromage became quite popular throughout France. Several fromage recipes were described in a book called “La maison reglée”  written by Nicolas Audiger .  Fromage are made from ices flavored with fruit , cream, sugar and orange flower water. Even though it is call fromage, it was not made from cheese. Audiger also suggests stirring ices during the freezing process to introduce air and create a fluffier texture.  

Around 1800's, insulated ice houses were invented. In 1777, the first ice cream parlor opened in New York .

In 1843,  Nancy Johnson developed and patent the first hand-crank ice cream maker. She sold her rights to William Young for just $200 and the machine was called the “Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer."

In 1851, a Baltimore milk dealer named Jacob Fussell started to manufacture ice cream.  His factory utilized ice-houses and a larger version of Johnson’s machine. He  became the father of the wholesale ice cream industry.

In 1874, the American ice cream soda was invented. Back then it was a sin to eat ice cream soda on Sundays, Christ day. In the late 1890's, the ice cream merchants decided to take out the carbonated water and invented the ice cream "Sunday" . The name was eventually changed to "sundae" to remove any connection with the Sabbath.

In 1903, Italo Marchiony submitted a patent for a mold to make an edible cups with handles (ice cream cone). Ice cream cone made its first American debut at Saint Louis World's Fair in 1904.

Grocery stores didn’t start selling ice cream until the 1930’s. As more prepackaged ice cream was sold through supermarkets, traditional ice cream parlors and soda fountains started to disappear.

By World War II, ice cream had become so popular that it turned into somewhat of an American morale symbol . In 1943, the U.S. Armed Forces were the world’s largest ice cream manufacturers. In 1945, the first "floating ice cream parlor" was built for sailors in the western Pacific.

Today ice creams are sold worldwide, with different flavors and style. It's a novelty that we all come to love and enjoy, not just by emperors or rich aristocrats anymore. One has to wonder what if ice cream was never invented in the first place. Can you imagine?? I know I can not picture my world without ice cream. I LOVE ICE CREAM !!!

"I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream!." O_O

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What will you do when ... you have superman power?

Will you ...

  1. use your power to become a hero like superman?
  2. use your power to join America's Got Talent?
  3. use your flying power to fly people around and charge them a fee?
  4. use your power to do evil things?
  5. use your power to go to space and explore? Assuming u can breath in space o.o
  6. go to casino and use your xray vision power to play cards?
  7. join the circus and pretend you are an amazing magician?
  8. join the army, and help your country win war?
  9. go for world domination ?
  10. do absolutely nothing? You are just too lazy to care.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

What will you do when .... you see an alien?

Will you ...?

  1. Run to it and shake its  hands? or foot ? or tail? 
  2. run away screaming, "aliennnnnnn!"
  3. give it your first hello world app? o.o
  4. stand there frozen as it comes closer and closer to you?
  5. sing "Let it go" song, hoping it will just go?
  6. do the logical thing and call 911?
  7. run and hide, but follow it to see where it is going?
  8. shoot first and ask later? 
  9. ask it to take you to its home planet?
  10. bow down to it and say, " Hail hydra!"