Saturday, July 31, 2010

ichi ni san si

Muahahhahaha! Look like Ariel got the slap and the cowpats again. XD  I am the best!!! And And And.... FISH STINKS!!! That's all for tonight folks. Have a beautiful day!! ^^

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ooo.. the looking picture o.o

Ariel look like a girl. Who said she's a guy? =O And why are they looking at each other? O.O So weird. :P

So hot today. =( I want to go swimming @ the ocean. =( OCEAN! The Pacific Ocean. O_O Oui!

Sleepy. Guess... what??? I am a BIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. o.o

Monday, July 19, 2010

Who's cuter?? :P

I can't see clearly who is in that picture that got the cowpats and slap at the same time. Hmmmmm... Have to look at it close up. o.o She has a dark heart too. O_O Who could it be? =P Is it the person that is not as cute as Ann? :D Hmmmmm.....

Vote for Ann or u get the COWPATS. =P

He didn't vote for Ann, so one fine day someone sneak up to him and put all those cowpats there. O_O He shouldn't vote the 3rd choice. =P  AnnKay is the cutest of them all. REMEMBER THAT. =P

Saturday, July 17, 2010

That's for making me fail +12 =P

oooo..  some1 is bore with 9D O_O My poor ex student. O_O Now HM and I am only EC. >.> Somehow I seem slow :D but... it's okay. :D  Isn't there a Chinese saying that said something like , a student is better than a master is a good thing? o.o  >.> I have a few episodes of Monkey King's new series to finish. >.> And I have to do it before the month end just in case.... I go bye bye :D And need to upload lots of pictures here. XD COW PATS ALL THE WAY o.o! 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Merry Xmas o.o

Left right left... right left right........................................................ This year and 4 years ago, are so similar now that I think about it. O.O 



Life. Death. Rich. Poor. MONKIES!!! Monkies is underline in red =( And 'monkeys' is allow. o.o So... >.> which is right? o.o I am going to google. o.o So.... >.> MONKEYS is right. o.o >.< Well ... good to know :D

A cowpat pic for each post. O.O I need more cowpats. O.O I guess, I am going to post all my pic in here. o.o  Just in case >.>  *sighs*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pineapple Fish Soup recipe O.O

Pineapple fish soup is good. The recipe from this site miss bean sprout though. >.>

Beansprout is the best in that soup :P

Now.... a pic of cowpats ^^

Cow pats as fish bait. It works O_O!

O_O We caught so many fish that day. O.O I love to fish, on the boat in LD that is. :P I need BE >.> And drop card doesn't work that well. >.> Cow pats on the other hand does. O_O Wukong said I need to be H6 to farm BE >.> It will drop more >.> And low H is a waste of pass >.> BOOO!

Oh... I remember that day now. I walked in Hefei naked dropping cowpats everywhere O_O! How much cowpats did I actually get? o.O

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fish in a cowpats pool

XD Swim FISH swim!!

Speaking of fish. To the right... a fish tank. ^^ You can click on it and feed the fish. :D Very cool. The fish follow you around. XD  GOOD FISH.

There is also a site called. O_O  I peek. I saw a SCAMMER site >.> It's a pyramid scam. >.> Put a little money to earn lots. Ya right. >.> It remind me of a mail we got. The mail tell me to send 1 dollar to 5 different people on the list. And then retype that letter and put my address in it >.> and send to 6 new people. Or something like that. ^^ But anyway... scammers >.> If it sound too good to be true, then it's NOT TRUE. And in my Economic book, 1st chapter taught u... "There is no such thing as a free lunch. " >.> TINSTAAFL

But... anyway.... the moral of the story is...... FISH STINK! That's all. =P

Monday, July 5, 2010

Life stink!

Being poor stink, like the cowpats do. =(

I think I need to read more and do more photoshop. =O And also planning more deeply to take over the world . o.O

I am empty right now. O.O Nothing to write about. No topic. O.O  


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Interesting Fact O_O

‘The poo from four cows can produce enough energy to heat and light a house for a year.’

 I wish the graphic on the cowpats are more realistic. :D