Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Boredom is when you login 9D again because .....

This is the prize winning picture. Shadow on cowpats. :D  It was my lucky day. He lagged. XD  Wonder if he actually see the cowpats. O.O I deserve an epi for this. :P

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


OmO  It's a fly faceeeeeeeeeeee. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....


Monday, August 2, 2010

Blackadder ^^

I've only watched season 3 of this British comedy series, BlackAdder, but I love it. :D It's hillarious! I remember I pick this because I saw Rowan Atkinson, Mr Bean, on the front cover of the DVD. XD I've watch all Mr Bean series on TV during middle and high school. I even taped some episodes for my parents. It's great for them cause he doesn't talk English much. XD

I am going to watch this series next. :P I don't know if this site has season 1. 

Today I am officially trying to get away from 9D ^^

I remember this one. XD  I came there and see Okee standing there afk. :D He probably trading materials. So I drop the cowpats, take a pic, and ran. ^^ When he's done, he look around and only Miya and Gamma are there. So he thought it was one of them. XD  HILARIOUS!

And my grammar is really bad. >.>